The Faces of Supplier Excellence
Chris Genteel Chris Genteel

The Faces of Supplier Excellence

Black suppliers are scaling to meet the needs of large corporate customers with the aid of new business models, technology innovation, new market entry and other levers. The National Black Supplier Development Program is helping black founders position their companies for success, and in doing so is helping to close the economic equity gap.

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Hey Procurement: Let Supplier Diversity Help with Sustainability, Not Compete with It
Chris Genteel Chris Genteel

Hey Procurement: Let Supplier Diversity Help with Sustainability, Not Compete with It

Corporations and their Procurement teams have historically set their Supplier Diversity and Sustainability goals up to compete with instead of reinforcing each other. Procurement organizations should instead be leveraging diverse suppliers to lead on sustainability as they would other strategic suppliers. Embracing principles of antiracism, equity and sustainable impact in Procurement’s supplier engagement capability will drive greater sustainability impact and avoid leaving diverse suppliers behind.

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