How do we do Change?

Change and Change Management are a popular practice, but often lack the actionable, practical tools to help people move from understanding change to practicing change.

My friend and mentor Eric Booth talks about in the practice of art and art-making thinking and focusing not of the nouns of art (e.g. the symphony, the ballet, the novel) but rather on the verbs of art (e.g. playing, sculpting, producing, practicing. I borrow this concept with the Change Actions Framework®, which moves us past the nouns of change, resilience and growth, and equips us with the Verbs of Change — Accepting, Identifying, Reflecting, Exploring, Committing.

Change Actions is based on the Kübler-Ross Change Curve®, which is based on the work of Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Dr. Kübler-Ross was a pioneering psychiatrist whose work helped create the near-death studies field, and has guided change in venues from the personal to the business world for more than 40 years.

— Chris Genteel