For Leaders of Any Organization Committed to DEI & Sustainability
How can you move past the usual HR diversity initiatives to create sustainable impact with diverse customers, users, partners and communities through your products, services and operations?
Every business participates in industry-wide systems that unintentionally leave out potential users, customers, suppliers, and partners from groups that don't get enough representation. By changing how you make your products and services, run your business, and buy goods & services, you can give your business a leg up in the market.
While most DEI programs focus on growing a diverse workforce, this alone is insufficient to ensure your organization’s success. Expanding opportunity for your organization is at the heart of our approach to Business Inclusion. The full potential of DEI can be reached when your business operations – from customer to partner to supplier operations – are fully inclusive. The systemic opportunity gap for underrepresented communities means there is an opportunity for your company to win with new audiences.
Our firm guides the design of diversity, equity and inclusion into and across products and business operations, aligning your business goals with the talent and capabilities of underrepresented groups. We assess and address your company’s true opportunity to include marginalized communities across your operations. We provide expert guidance to tackle systemic disparities prevalent in all aspects of industry, and help you see the connection to your top and bottom lines.
How can you build products and services that resonate with diverse users?
Products that employ inclusive design principles – including ethical AI practices – perform better as they foster safety, engagement, belonging and satisfaction among a wider range of users. Our team will lead an assessment of the gaps created for your product users with respect to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. We will then help your team employ inclusive design principles and ethical AI guidelines to your firm’s product development process. We will help you empower and include a diverse set of your team and your product users to help you reach, engage and successfully serve a wider group of users.
How can you improve your procurement outcomes through greater diversity in your supply chain?
Your organization will have better procurement outcomes when you are able to find and successfully partner with the best suppliers. While race, ethnicity, gender and other characteristics can prevent many companies from finding the best suppliers, well-designed, executed and supported Supplier Diversity programs give companies a distinct supply chain advantage. Glidelane will advise your design and implementation of impactful Supplier Diversity programs. We will help you foster meaningful relationships and facilitate effective communication between your company and your diverse suppliers, preparing both parties for successful business collaborations. We will help you grow relationships with the communities and organizations that find and serve diverse suppliers. This will promote your company’s business growth, help you become an economic impact partner in the communities you serve, and drive your business’ reputation.
Your company is committed to Sustainable practices like reducing your emissions footprint and ensuring safe and ethical practices in your supply chain. We can advise you as you build operations to address these challenges. We can help you reduce Scope 3 emissions, often the largest percentage of a company’s greenhouse gas emissions but often overlooked in procurement programs. Success requires managing and mitigating risk in your suppliers’ decarbonization operations, with coming regulatory requirements increasing the stakes. Glidelane’s experience mitigating Scope 3 can help. In many cases an hourlong or half-day consultation will begin to give you the focus and direction needed.
How are your organization’s programs creating intended impact for your organization, its stakeholders and communities? Are you getting the right return for your investment in programs in the ESG, DEI and justice space?
Glidelane helps organizations assess, improve, and measure their DEI initiatives, ensuring you have the ability to measure the impact and ROI of your program, and your program’s alignment with your business and organization goals. Gain insights that are both immediately actionable and useful for the long-term.
How can you bring principles of equity, inclusion, diversity and belonging into engagements with your organization’s stakeholders?
Glidelane crafts engaging and impactful programs that foster diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging for your users, customers, suppliers and other partners and stakeholders. Growing relationships with new communities requires intentional design and implementation in order to fully resonate. Our experienced team will leverage inclusive design principles, involve stakeholders across your entire ecosystem and utilize design sprinting techniques to create connected programming that will drive your business impact and create equitable outcomes in the communities you serve.